I've fallen in love with this woman's work.
I was introduced to her through my lovely new book "100 contemporary artists" which I initially got to clue myself up for art school interviews but I have found so many inspiring artists through reading it cover to cover. One of these being swiss artist Pipilotti Rist, who's work consists mainly of film projections, but in a completely unconventional way. they fill the entire room, immersing you into this dream land - a new reality. The colours are hyper-real and visceral as is are the images - close ups of vulvae juxtaposed with swimming naked bodies. The films aren't built to shock, but to put you into a different state of mind. In an interview with artbabble she described the viewer as "a blood corpuscle...enter[ing] the various veins...there are things exchanged".
I am desperate to experience this immersing melancholia she creates in her work and I am ecstatic that she is right now exhibiting her work in the Hayward gallery of the Southbank Centre. It's on until 8th January, meaning i can visit it when I go to London at the end of the month! I am so excited and don't care that it will cost me £10+
I have to go to school now. Bye non-existents.
Here is some nice stuff...
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